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    Case: The CSAT Score (Customer satisfaction score) for Facebook Fundraisers has taken a plunge.

    Interviewer: "Can you determine the root cause?"

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    Candidate:" Okay. I would like to know ..."(choose an option)

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    Interviewer: " It was identified around a month ago..

    Interviewer: " It is observed across all the geographies where this product is available "

    Interviewer: " mobiles, Tabs, and laptops..no differentiation in drop based device types

    Interviewer: "That's a good start. Yeah,it was identified a month ago, observed across all available geographies, & all device types
    Candidate:"Got it. In that case let us begin with..."(choose an option)

    Interviewer: "Alright. Go ahead with the external causes."
    Candidate:"For starters, I want to understand if there are any.."(choose an option)

    Interviewer: "The CSAT is considered from those select geographies where there is an option to start an event. No constraints were noted in these areas. "

    Interviewer: "Good question. Yes some natural calamities and geopolitical tensions. But no impact caused as the inflow was well accommodated. You can proceed to internal causes now."

    Interviewer: "This is an internal root cause. Anyways, nothing as such happened"

    Interviewer: "There are few local players but on a small scale with less traffic"

    Interviewer: "Alright. Go ahead with the Internal causes."
    Candidate:"Okay. On a quick note, were there are any... "(choose an option)

    Interviewer: "Well, not really. as we haven’t changed anything that impacts the user journey and all steps in the user flow remained the same "

    Interviewer: "The acquisition stage in the funnel is the same as the algorithm did include fundraiser posts into the relevant user's feed & hence, no drop in visibility was observed"

    Interviewer: "Great question. Yes, there were quite a few comments on user's being ambiguous to donate due to spurious fundraising events."

    Interviewer: "No currently we are in a tie-up with PayPal and no issues were observed from them."

    Interviewer: "Very nicely thought, but we plan to keep it un-monetized"

    Candidate:"In that case I’ll proceed to the internal causes. On a quick note, were there are any... "(choose an option)

    Interviewer: "Well, not really. as we haven’t changed anything that impacts the user journey and all steps in the user flow remained the same "

    Interviewer: "The acquisition stage in the funnel is the same as the algorithm did include fundraiser posts into the relevant user's feed & hence, no drop in visibility was observed"

    Interviewer: "Great question. Yes, there were quite a few comments on user's being ambiguous to donate due to spurious fundraising events."

    Interviewer: "No currently we are in a tie-up with PayPal and no issues were observed from them."

    Interviewer: "Very nicely thought, but we plan to keep it un-monetized"

    Candidate:"Okay. I get it. Based on the user comments, I would like to know more about these fake/spurious events. Can you tell me... "(choose an option)

    Interviewer: "identified a month ago, these events were scrutinized and were found to be created a month before the product team identified them"

    Interviewer: "Yes, we did a survey with our users to assess the impact and the team is working on the solution currently"

    Interviewer: "Perfect!! Both of them are important aspects to this issue. Our team came across this issue a month later. Based on this we decided to assess the magnitude of this issue by conducting an user survey "

    Interviewer: "No. That’s a sure possibility but luckily nothing happened as such"

    Candidate:"Okay. I get it. Based on the user comments, I would like to know more about these fake/spurious events. Can you tell me... "(choose an option)

    Interviewer: "identified a month ago, these events were scrutinized and were found to be created a month before the product team identified them"

    Interviewer: "Yes, we did a survey with our users to assess the impact and the team is working on the solution currently"

    Interviewer: "Perfect!! Both of them are important aspects to this issue. Our team came across this issue a month later. Based on this we decided to assess the magnitude of this issue by conducting an user survey "

    Interviewer: "No. That’s a sure possibility but luckily nothing happened as such"

    Candidate:"Okay. Now I understand the issue. Based on the information we can conclude that... "(choose an option)

    Interviewer: "Ah.. you missed something, try again"

    Interviewer: "That’s true, but try thinking from an overall perspective as well"

    Interviewer: "That was the answer I was looking for!! Good job."

    Interviewer: "Not really, we can definitely infer something from this issue, Try again"

    Candidate:"Okay. Now I understand the issue. Based on the information we can conclude that... "(choose an option)

    Interviewer: "Ah.. you missed something, try again"

    Interviewer: "That’s true, but try thinking from an overall perspective as well"

    Interviewer: "That was the answer I was looking for!! Good job."

    Interviewer: "Not really, we can definitely infer something from this issue, Try again"

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